by - 02:27

Hello Lovlies,

Gosh I am so sorry that it has been such a long time since posting. These last couple of months have been crazy! I finished my first year of teaching, mum started chemo and I was offered  permanency with EQ. Oh I also broke my first bone ever, my elbow to be precise.. and no, this isn't all part of a fictional movie, it's all happening in Maddie's World.

Today I am talking about SAMMIMIS Turkish Towels! I've had it for about 2 weeks now and as you guys know, even when given a deadline, I wait a few weeks before reviewing or blogging about anything in order to stay true to myself and give you guys an honest, reliable view on things. I also NEVER allow companies to tell me what to say to you all, so after two weeks of 'trying' to trial this towel (in this awful rain) I finally have a review of some sort.

I received the blue and baby pink striped towel from their collection and I really like the colour scheme. It reminds me of a vintage seaside towel or a beach lounger. SAMMIMIS Turkish Towels are 100% Turkish Cotton so I was expecting amazing quality, but it isn't that great. I love the quality but I wouldn't say it was the nicest feeling towel around, but according to their website, because of the 100% real Turkish Cotton, the more you wash your towel the softer it gets! I do like how it is versatile and I have been using it as a cover up on the rare occasions we've had in the sun these past few weeks! 

One thing to mention is that SAMMIMIS have the largest range of Turkish Towels so definitely check out their website and have a browse. 

All in all, a towel is a towel. I love the size of this one, the colours and the little tassels. The quality isn't what I imagined but we will se after a few washes. It's perfect for summer and lying by the pool and if you are into genuine Turkish items then you should definitely check them out.

Take care beautiful people x

Ps. Thank you to my friend who helped me copy and paste this post due to be in a sling! Thank you for all your well wishes as well. New video soon I promise!

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