Top 5 Coats for Winter in Australia - Affordable and Professional!

by - 02:04

Hello Gorgeous Girls,

I wanted to get back into my fashion posts and I've been putting it off and off because of work and reporting (can you believe that I've been a full time teacher for 6 months now?) but I refuse to put it off for any longer.

So here I am, back with my first fashion post of 2015 and it's one I thought many more bloggers here in Australia would have done, but I haven't been able to find anything about this ANYWHERE. Shock. Horror.

Yes, you've got it! The top 5 coats (or should I say my top 5 coats) for winter here in Australia. As a teacher, who needs to dress professionally, but warm, I have been on the hunt for the perfect winter warmers.

Here are my picks:

1. The BOOHOO Tory Duster Coat in Blue

2. ASOS Ultimate Slim Coat in Mint

3.  Paint it Red Oversized Blue Coat - I can no longer find this being sold at any shops. Try Myers!

4.  Pretty Women Coat Quirky Circus

5. SUPRE Runaway Anorak

The clear winner has to be the BOOHOO Duster at just $40! It's a gorgeous periwinkle colour and so stand out in this gloomy weather! It may not keep you warm in the Snow, but in an Australian winter, it's the perfect coat all round.

Maddie x

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